Ross and Rachel were off and on throughout Friends, but there are a few quotes that prove neither of them even wanted to get back together.
“It Doesn’t Matter What You Say Or Do. It’s Just Changed Everything. Forever.”
He betrayed her trust and even attempted to use a technicality to justify it. Rachel said herself that she would never be able to look at Ross the same way again, so it’s puzzling how they were able to disregard an incident that permanently changed Rachel’s perception of him.
“That One Night We Had Was Fun, And Certainly Passionate, But Don’t You Think It’s Better If We Just Stay Friends?”
Exes relapse all the time, so Ross and Rachel falling back into bed together didn’t come as a shock. Despite their hookup, neither of them wanted to date again and Ross preferred they remain friends.
Ross and Rachel had plenty of opportunities to get back together over the course of the series, but they only seemed to be interested in one another when they were seeing someone else. There was more possessiveness between them than there was love.
“I Can’t Believe I Even Thought About Getting Back Together With You! We Are So Over!”
Another Friends quotes is this. Rachel gave Ross the chance to apologize and own up to the part he played in their breakup. Most people in Rachel’s situation wouldn’t have given Ross a second chance, but she wanted to make their relationship work. Ross lied to Rachel about reading her letter and unknowingly accepted all the blame.
“People Ask Why We’re Not Together. I Just Don’t Know What To Tell Them.”
“Yeah, I Said Rachel’s Name, But It Didn’t Mean Anything, Okay? She’s Just A Friend And That’s All! That’s All …”
Another friends Quotes that proves Ross and Rachel did not want to get back together. Ross did say Rachel’s name at his wedding, which, while looked bad, wasn’t a reflection of Ross’s feelings. He had been disappointed that Rachel wasn’t coming to the ceremony, and was bombarded by her right before walking down the aisle. It’s a horrible slip-up, but it likely had to do with Ross’s shock at seeing Rachel in London and was unrelated to which woman he loved.